Kuolema Islannissa


  • Sanna Lipkin Oulun yliopisto
  • Tiina Väre




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Hoffman, S. 2023. “On the apparitions of drowned men”: Folklore and the memory of unnatural death at Haffjarðarey, Western Iceland. T. Kallio-Seppä, S. Lipkin, T. Väre, U. Moilanen & A. Tranberg (toim.) Unusual death and memorialization. Burial, space, and memory in the PostMedieval North. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Lucas, G. & Snæsdóttir, M. 2022. Skálholt: Excavations of a Bishop’s Residence and School c.1650- 1790. Volume 1: The Site. Reykjavik: Fornleifastofnun Íslands.

Paulaharju, S. 1914. Kuvauksia Hailuodosta. Helsinki: Kansanvalistusseura.

Sveinbjarnardóttir, G. & Aldred O. 2016. Reykholt: The Church Excavations. Reykjavik: National Museum of Iceland.

Þingvellir Þjóðgarður (2024). Saga. Luettu 27.7.2024.

Väre, T. 2017. Osteobiography of Vicar Rungius. Analyses of the bones and tissues of the mummy of an early 17th-century northern Finnish clergyman using radiology and stable isotopes. Acta Universitas Ouluensis B 150. Oulu: Oulun yliopisto.

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Kuva: S. Lipkin


